Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Life isn't fair

No pictures tonight, but I have to vent. Life isn't fair for those of us vertically challenged. Why can't I eat the full steak? Why can't I eat asparagus, potatoes, breakfast sandwiches, etc.... I don't want to bitch, but come on. I live my life to eat, sleep, walk and poop. Number one and four go kind of hand in hand correct? Why can Mom and Dad eat a delicious steak and I only get pre-chewed pieces? What if all of life was like was like that? Something to think about.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

My Best Friend

I don't want to get too sentimental, but I wanted to let everyone know about my best friend- Roger. Some of my friends may have met him, but most of you have not. He was my older brother and the only dog I have really got along with. When Mom and Dad brought me home, Roger was my mentor. He taught me all the ways of the Basset Hound and although he is resting over Rainbow Bridge, I will never forget him. This picture is Dad's all-time favorite; he said it sums us up. Not sure what that means, but I assume it means I am a "spaz" and Roger was the calm and intellectual one. Anyways, this was us and I sure do miss my big brother Roger.

For my big brother,

Monday, September 21, 2009

They were Greaaaat!!!!

So Mom and Dad recently changed by diet. I pretty much dig Eukanuba and Mom and Dad are cool about adding a little "something-something", but I was getting bored and ready for some new cuisine. As a 70 lb Hound, I have been fairly restricted to Eukanuba, Frosted Flakes (see title), and occasional treats, but I have been upgraded to something so good, so sweet, so healthy, I had to post.

Me, Roscoe, Darth Paul, ruler of all things related to the couch, has made a healthy choice- I began adding Honey Nut Cheerios to my diet. As an avid athlete, I worry about my HDL/LDL, so my Mom thought the Cheerios would get me in line. After a week on the "stuff", I can say I am feeling good. I have lowered my 2 block time, my heart feels fantastic and I think I might be ready for the pole vault. I can't lie though, I do cheat (check out the picture. Dad thought it was too good to pass up, and I must agree.)

Happy Training

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Mom and Dad went across the pond and came back saying how great it was- that dogs could go everywhere. Everywhere, are you serious? Check out the sign in the city center of Prague. Is this some sick stereotype against those of us vertically challenged? What kind of sick Euro trash decided a Basset was "perfect" image to put on this sign? I am officially dog-cotting the Czech Republic.

Sbohem (Czech for Goodbye)
Roscoe Paul

Interior design anyone?

It's kind of late and I am kind of tired, but please give me work!?! Although I possess no degree, as you can see from my pictures, I am quite the interior designer. I thought the cushions on Mom and Dad's couch could use a little more style (actually, I was trying to find a good hiding spot for my Western Griller treat Mom gave me). Anyways, I though moving the cushions would provide some positive Fung Shui in the room, but Mom didn't agree.

I also thought that I could build a fort, be a General (Hi Grandma Fry- the only true General in this country), round up my imaginary friends for a party, but nope- Mom put it all back together :( So, if anyone is looking for true Basset design, please let me know. If you need references, think again- I am a genius.

Peace Out,

Sunday, September 13, 2009

What if GOD was one of us....

NOTE- this is not to be considered blasphemy.

Since today is Sunday and I was off at summer camp while Mom and Dad did some traveling (posts will follow later), I was wondering if God was like me- a Basset Hound? It sounds kind of weird, but there are a couple signs I can't pass up. One, God spelled backwards is Dog. Coincidence, I think not. Two, Jesus spelled backwards is Sesuj. We all know Sesuj is Latin for Sausage, and I love Snausages, sausage biscuits and hot italian sausages off the grill. Third, Lord spelled backwards is Drol. If we dig deep into the translation of Drol, it evolved into drool. Have you guys met me- I am a slobbering fool? Finally, please see the picture of me destroying Devil Dog. I can't back up much of this information, but you have to wonder, what if God was one of us.....