Sunday, August 23, 2009

A mid-summer's night(mare)..

So this is my first entry as an official blogger. It appears I have been reprimanded by Mom and Dad for "researching" Dad's new work shoes. The stuffing paper inside of Cole Haan's is better than average in terms of chewability and destruction. Four years ago, I got in big trouble for eating one of Mom's Polo boots. I guess one boot being ankle high was not acceptable when the other went to the knee?

I will be back soon, but enjoy a photo of my "work." RP out!


  1. Great start, Ross. Can I call you Ross? Or do you prefer the full name? ;-)

  2. I am usually in trouble when I get "full named." You can call me anything, I have a bunch of nicknames. Loves and kisses to you.
